Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Long-Distance Anything

Flying over Jamaica!

Oh hey, it's been a while! A few weeks ago, I took a trip back to the States for my fall break. It was a beautiful whirlwind sandwiched by some heartache. Since getting back to Costa Rica, to say that our internet has been sketchy would be an understatement.

To catch you up-- While home, I addressed a few wedding invites (ok a lot more than a few), ordered a cake, played a few board games, met with our wedding planner, ate some Chick-fil-a, watched the UGA game, ran a garage sale, tried on my wedding dress, went to a seamstress, loved on my family, hugged a few friends, & lastly, held my favorite boy.  

Landing in Costa Rica
Up until now, I feel like I have been a pretty positive blogger. I'm never one to harp on the negative for too long. But honestly, I just want to share heart for a sec. Travel is exciting. Living abroad is adventurous. I'm always seeing & learning new things. But long-distance friendships, wedding planning, relationships, or long-distance anything just isn't that fun. Here's a glimpse into my journal & my heart for the past two weeks. 

Oct 8:

This just doesn't get any easier. Last week, i spent my fall break back in the states and enjoyed sometime with my family & future beloved. As time rolls on and it gets closer and closer to my wedding day, I can't help but feel like being in a different country from the one I love is only getting more challenging. 

In this season, I have grown immensely as a teacher and as an individual. I have been able to draw nearer and nearer to The Lord and pursue him more fully. I have been preparing my heart while still enjoying this adventure. My heart is in two places at once! 

Oct 11:

Sitting in my room, no power, no lights, 11 candles lit, listening to Grace Midtown's message called "Receiving the Spirit". I am hungry for more, Lord! God, I don't want to miss out on what you have for me in this season. I want to experience you, Holy Spirit, and move in power for you. I want the pursuit of your love!

Make-shift candle holders for the power outage...

Oct 14:
On my way to Irazu! We have the day off so I needed an adventure. This was the best option! Ashley couldn't come because she just got back from the beach late last night, so I'm flying solo this time. 

Lord, you have grown my independence and courage so much this year! I am also ready to have my partner by my side. My buddy, my best friend. I am my favorite version of myself when I am with McCray!

Is my heart ready? Can you ever be completely ready for a new unknown adventure? You can have the best packing list, the newest maps, the most informative travel books- but you never know exactly what you're getting into until you're there, figuring it out along the way! 

I can't wait for marriage to be our beautiful adventure!

Volcan de Irazu!


  1. Hey!! I found your blog through southern wedding bloggers!! I'm super jealous of you living abroad and teaching--seriously awesome! Have fun wedding planning in between ;) it will be a beautiful adventure!!!

    1. Hey girl! I am SO glad you found my blog! Can't wait to read more on yours, too! :)

  2. Praying for you and McCray, Lauren! I know that you will look back and see the patchwork beauty from what feels like a mess. I love that you are starting your marriage with so much eagerness to pursue God together and ready for whatever adventure(S) it holds for you both!

    1. Thank you so much for your love & support, Lauren! It really means a lot!


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